Fire Sprinklers for Office Pods


Office pods, also known as work booths, collaboration booths, meeting pods, and nap pods, are available in various forms and kinds for various uses and advantages. Pods combine the perfect combination of open and closed offices. Yes, open office arrangements encourage teamwork. However, all of that constant distraction can be more harmful than you might believe. The safety of your employees is paramount. As a result, it is important to consider the risks and hazards involved with office pods. For example, the accessibility of fire sprinklers.

Key Benefits of Office Pods and Booths

Allows for social distancing

Work booths allow you to safely bring employees back into the office. When offices are overcrowded, people might use work booths to spread out.

Flexibility in space utilisation

Workplace dynamics must be fluid and responsive in our ever-changing world. Office booths add variation to a workstation. As a result, employees who prefer greater privacy or solitude at times can do so without the need for separate offices.

Encourage Collaboration

Meeting or collaboration booths are ideal for holding small meetings or brainstorming sessions. This is especially critical if you don’t have access to a meeting space.

Fire Safety

While office pods come with a wide range of benefits, there are also safety factors that must be taken into consideration. Because the introductions of the pods occurred so quickly, some manufacturers rushed to market, potentially leaving them with less time to consider all unseen hazards to the health and safety of the occupants. There are risks on at least two fronts: safety and health. In particular, this involves fire hazards. Many of these pods include built-in power, charging, and electronics. If a fire breaks out within a room or pod, it must either activate the building’s sprinkler and alarm system or include its own fire suppression system. However, many office pods do not consider the fire risk and do not have accessible fire sprinklers.


Gregory’s ACOUSTIX Pod has fire sprinklers accessible roofing. Its design allows it to enable sprinkler water-flow for multi-storey building. Furthermore, there is a circular airflow system. Circular air intake system brings in office air. The design stimulates draw through and natural convection, while dual ceiling mounted fans maximise air exchange. There are two air system models: standard two motor system or premium integrated Phillips TM HEPA filter system. This maximises fire safety.

The ACOUSTIX Pod is the only acoustic booth system designed to comply with building fire sprinkler requirements in multi-storey buildings. The special roofing design of the ACOUSTIX Pod is enables sprinkler water-flow, without special plumbing.

ACOUSTIX Pod is the first portable acoustic office booth designed specifically for wheelchair access and compliance with building fire sprinkler requirements. We understand that your employee’s health and safety in the new “normal” COVID-19 environment is a top priority and it’s ours too.

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