

Circular Economy Program

Take Back Program

Gregory Commercial Furniture has achieved ISO 14001 following an extensive audit of our Environmental Management System by SAI Global. This is complementary of our existing sustainability certification to ISO 9001.

End of Life Take Back Service

Gregory leads the Australian furniture industry with its Circular-Economy program to minimise its environmental impact. Many importers have “programs” to take back their seating at the end of the products life by the reality is that they lack event the basic manufacturing facilities to deliver on this promise.

Gregory is a genuine Australian manufacturer and has a genuine local disassembly and recycling capability, to offer a genuine whole of life service. Gregory also has a refurbishment program to give a second life to various products. We currently provide this unmatched sustainability service to a number of the major banks for their visitor seating. Gregory also has the capability of refurbishing a large part of our range which allows our customers optimum sustainability opportunities and minimises waste.

Gregory’s Circular-Economy take-back program means Gregory has the capability to take back and fully disassemble Gregory chairs at the end of their product life. Gregory will recycle individual components and recycle or dispose of components correctly in its factory. The take-back program is priced at $35 per chair (this price will vary over the years due to inflation). Gregory can also take back non-Gregory chairs; this will involve a higher price as we are not aware of the material content or reusability in non-Gregory product.

Our Circular-Economy take-back program optimises our ability to provide our customers with the best in class ergonomics and sustainability while minimising waste.

Environmental Policy

Gregory Commercial Furniture is committed to providing a superior product and services, whilst minimising adverse impacts to the environment. We care about the environment and not only recognise but appreciate that our operations may have an impact the environment locally and ultimately globally.

We believe it is our obligation to consider all aspects of our products’ impact on the environment, throughout their lifecycle: from raw material selection, right through to sustainable production methods as well as the reduction of waste and prevention of pollution in all aspects of our business.

We will comply with relevant environmental legislations, regulations and other requirements to which we subscribe. Our commitment to the environment is also reflected in our stated aim to achieve the best environmental ratings outcome possible, for our entire product range.

This Environmental Policy is implemented, maintained and communicated to all stakeholders. The Environmental Policy is available to the public throughout Website and in the reception areas of our facilities.