Gregory Commercial Furniture Pty Limited (“GCF“) upholds an individual’s right to privacy and any information of a private nature given to us will be handled responsibly. GCF will take all reasonable efforts to safeguard the information and will not disclose personally identifiable information to third parties, except as may be required by law. GCF will never sell personal information to outside parties.Personal information or data disclosed on order forms will only be used for the purpose of satisfying the order or processing payment. Data may be stored electronically to facilitate future orders.

Staff shall only use or access personal information for the purpose of conducting their duties and shall not disclose personal information unless authorised by Management.

GCF will treat personal information disclosed by prospective employees as confidential and documentation supplied kept secure at all times. If an application for employment is unsuccessful, all information supplied will be held for a period of up to 3 months, at which time it will be destroyed.

If personal information is disclosed in the course of an application for credit, GCF will only disclose such information to the credit referees nominated by the party and to its credit rating agency, for the purpose of dealing with a credit application. Should a party fail to provide the information requested, the application for credit will not be processed.

Access to any information which GCF has about an individual should be directed to:
The Company Secretary
Gregory Commercial Furniture Pty Limited
PO Box 6765